Double Bachelor's degree: Degree in Applied Languages and Translation and Degree in Catalan Philology and Occitan Studies


More information about pre-registration and access to the studies can be found at: Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Economia i Coneixement-Coneixement:  Universitats i Recerca

  • Admission profile

It is recommended that these studies be accessed from the Humanities or Social Sciences itinerary, although students who have interest in the subject of the degree and come from other itineraries can also take this degree.

IMPORTANT: You must have previously reached a good level in the use of the different languages ​​studied to the degree:

  • Catalan and Spanish: advanced level
  • English: medium-high level
  • French: medium level.

Thus, students taking this degree should have a special interest in exceling in language skills in relation to the four languages ​​taught in these studies due to the importance of mastery of these languages ​​in the translation tasks and, in general, the different tasks related to applied linguistics.


  • Exit profile (professional attributions and/or regulated profession)

You are interested in this degree if you want to train to become:

- A professional of languages ​​with a level of expert in Catalan and Spanish and up to an advanced level in English and French.

- A mediator in multicultural environments expert in the relationships between languages ​​and cultures.

- A professional capable of advising individuals and groups on the improvement of communication processes, including the company, the network and educational entities, among others.

- Work in the future in one of these areas:

     o Linguistic and cultural advice

     o Linguistic and cultural dynamisation

     o Linguistic and multicultural mediation

     o Translation

     o Editing and proofreading

     o Editorial world

     o Teaching languages

     o Language technologies

     o Media

     o Communication areas in companies and institutions

     o International relations

     o Document management.

You are interested in studying this degree at the UdL because:

- These studies offer in very few centers in Catalonia and Spain.

- In the UdL we have a great tradition in the offer of studies on different languages ​​and cultures and we have always tried to incorporate the demands arising from a changing society around the management of information, multilingualism and multiculturalism.

- Our teachers develop their research in the field of applied linguistics in a particularly remarkable way in terms of scientific production, participation and leadership of projects and research groups in the field.

- Ours is a center that has the advantage of a very close relationship with the students, both by teachers and administration and services staff.


  • Number of places offered
Double Degree: Degree in Applied Languages and Translation / Degree in Catalan Philology and Occitan Studies
University of Lleida Public University 10 places


  • Acces way, option and cut note

The access criteria are the following:

  1. Students with PAU and assimilated
  2. Students with a higher technical degree in FP
  3. Students with foreign studies
  4. University graduates and assimilated
  5. Students with access test + 25 years
  6. Students over 45 years

old Validation of ECTS credits between UdL degree studies and Higher Level Training Cycles. You can consult the table by clicking [here]

Double Degree: Degree in Applied Languages and Translation / Degree in Catalan Philology and Occitan Studies
Minimum grades (*)  
University Acess Test / CFGS and FP 5.000
University students 5.000
Students over 25 5.000
Students over 40 and 45 5.000
                         (*) You can consult minimum grades for degrees from catalan
universities by clicking [here]


  • Subjects to improve the access note

List of ponderable subjects


  • Pre-registration and admission procedure

University pre-enrollment is a coordinated system of student distribution that guarantees equal conditions in the admission process and admission to the first course of any undergraduate study. The student interested in accessing a degree program at the University of Lleida must pre-register by the deadlines established by the Government of Catalonia.

The pre-registration will be done online at the following address:

The Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC) is the coordinating body of the university system of Catalonia and of consultation and advice of the Government of the Government of Catalonia in the field of universities. It integrates representatives of all public and private universities in Catalonia.

The coordination of the processes of access and admission to the university is a strategic priority of the CIC, through which it is intended to guarantee that the access to the university of the students, who come from the baccalaureate and those over 25, respect the principles of advertising, equality, merit and ability. As well as, guarantee equal opportunities in the allocation of students to university studies offered by universities.

The University of Lleida (UdL) has developed a Program of Guidance and university tutoring (Néstor). Its objective is to support the student in the process of integral formation through personal, academic and professional guidance, so that he can make well-founded decisions during his career, as a professional future and as a citizen.